Get Started

With over three decades of evangelism and church growing, the grit it takes to fulfill your calling is in our DNA. Our goal is to help draw out the natural gifting in you, develop and train you, so you feel empowered to do what you were created to do.

In-Person Experience

Students receive instruction Monday through Thursday 9am – 12pm. In addition, students will be involved in weekly volunteer opportunities in Guts Church and will be required to attend weekly services.

Online Experience

The best way to experience the GutsX School of Ministry is by being in the room. If this isn’t an option for you, we still want to avail this opportunity to you. Courses will be made available online by session and will have completion requirements in order to progress to the next session and course.


Students can find outside employment while enrolled. Special consideration will need to be given from the employer for required projects, trips and events.


The cost for the GutsX tuition is $3000 per year. Students who wish to pay their tuition up front each year will receive a 10% discount on tuition cost.Tuition is charged monthly via Square in 10 month payment plan: $300/month.The following discounts are available:Tithing Member Cost: $2500/year ($250/month)Tithing Member Couple Cost: $3500/couple/year ($350/month)There is a $50 application fee. Short term mission trip costs vary depending on the country visited and travel cost at the time. Students who participate in the mission track will incur additional cost for their travel, room, board and mission outreach expenses during their international mission internship.

There is more

Are you interested in full time training? The Guts Internship offers practical application and discipline to further your experience in the ministry at the local church level. As an intern, you are concurrently enrolled in the first year of the GutsX School of Ministry. The Guts Internship is an elite, 12 month program that accepts applicants in January and July of each year.



GutsX School of Ministry starts

August 21, 2023

GutsX 2nd Semester Starts

January 8, 2024

GutsX 2nd Semester Ends

May 9, 2024

Serving opportunities and practical application

It is More than a School

Our desire is to see students flourish in life. Psalms 92:13-14 promises us that: “Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall fl ourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and fl ourishing,” This is a foundational verse for Guts Church. Students are required to attend Guts Church and meet volunteer requirements as a part of their ministry training. For our young adults Sub 30 is a great place for people in that season of life to connect and build lifelong friendships. In addition there are a number of Guts Groups to pick from to further connect with people in the Church who share similar life interests. Guts Church is full of stories of how people have met their spouses, business partners and friendships that last a lifetime. This is more than just a verse, it’s a promise we know you will experience!


Our instructors have the proven experience and diverse ministry callings needed for this time.


The GutsX School of Ministry is dedicated to raising up and sending out leaders.


Thinking about it? Fill out an application and see how God directs your steps.

Game Planning the Devil

The Word tells us that as believers we are not ignorant of the enemies devices. Ephesians teaches that we can take the shield of faith, with which we can quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. This course will teach you how to operate in your God-given authority and the grace (power) He has equipped you to live the greatest life imaginable.

Pastor Bill Sheer

Senior Pastor – Guts Church


Grow stronger as a leader and be better prepared to lead well in ministry as we learn sustainable leadership principles from Timothy.

Pastor Marcus Mecum


Five Fold Ministry Gifts 

In this course you will study and identify the governing gifts of ministry leadership in both the global and local church as outlined in Ephesians 4. Those gifted in the office of five-fold ministry: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher- are specifically anointed to advance the Kingdom by equipping believers for the work of the ministry, build and edify believers in both knowledge and maturity, and create unity within the body of Christ. For the body of Christ to function properly, each member has a role to play and unique gifts given by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 12; 1 Cor. 12). In this course you will learn how the five-fold ministry is to equip the saints so they can function in their gifts.

Jason Law


Basics of Serving God

There is nothing better than the basic, practical, proven and time-tested wisdom that comes from God’s Word.  God has a plan and purpose for your life.  Your destiny is connected to your local church and the sooner you find your place of serving, the sooner you will experience all God has in store for you!  This course will help you identify the gifts and talents God has given you to serve Him. 

Pastor Jeff Jones


Your Mission is Missions

Learn how to live your daily life on mission. We are all called to share the Gospel. It may look a little different for each of us but whether you are in Los Angeles, CA or Kampala, Uganda or a village in Burma we all have the same mission. This course will bring a focus to your life of what missions is and how you can walk it out in your daily life.

Pastor Robert Barriger


Righteousness & Identity

This course focuses upon the believer’s identity in Christ based on the revelation of the Pauline Epistles.  Paul, by the Holy Spirit, provides the revelation of what happened from the cross to the throne and to the present-day ministry of Jesus Christ and how that affects who and what we are in Christ today. When viewing yourself in the light of God’s redemption, you’ll recognize your position, rights and authority as a new creation in Christ. You don’t have to wait until you get to heaven to enjoy the benefits of the new birth. You will see who you are NOW in Christ and what you have NOW as a child of God.

Pastor Buck Schaefer


Pursuing Your God-Sized Dream

Every significant achievement begins with a Dream. This course will take you step by step from the beginning stages of pursuing your dream, planning next steps toward achieving your dream and arriving at your ultimate destination.

Pastor Luke Barnett


The Holy Spirit

This course provides a Biblical understanding of the Person and operation of the Holy Spirit. Students will learn principles to help them recognize and respond to the voice of the Lord in prayer and beyond. In this course, students will also learn how to walk in the power of God and receive revelation knowledge from the Holy Spirit for victorious living and service.

Pastor Tim Fruits


Outreach/Church Planting

Learn how to love your city and impact your community in a strategic way that helps build God’s Church. 

Dino Rizzo


Life of Faith

In this course students will become familiar with the God kind of faith, which is the same faith God placed in every believer. Faith is critical to our relationship with the Lord. Without faith, it’s impossible to please Him. The Spirit of Faith is necessary to live the abundant life, to do the will of God and fulfill your divine destiny. Believing AND speaking are necessary ingredients in the spirit of faith. Faith moves mountains. Faith won’t move anything until it moves YOU! 

Curtis Huntsinger


Ministry of Jesus

This course examines the person and ministry of Jesus revealed through a study of the Gospels and beyond. The Scripture tells us to consider, understand, to focus upon Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. In the life and ministry of Jesus we clearly see His message, miracles, being about His Father’s business, and triumphantly fulfilling His mission. These are powerful classes that discuss the person and the ministry of Jesus. Not only will you learn how He ministered, but how we can follow His example and apply it in our life and work for the Lord.

Pastor Taylor Scheer

Pastor – Guts Church

Submission & Authority

The God-ordained, creative authority given to every believer is examined in Scripture. Special attention will be paid to Jesus’ work in re-establishing mankind through the power of His blood and His name, destroying the power of the curse and returning the power of creativity and authority to mankind. Also discussed is the role of Submission in the life of a believer and how it affects your life and your ministry.

Rodger Wash


Doctrine of the Word

Each student must know that the Bible was written for them—they need not rely on scholars and teachers to interpret it. Jesus stated that after His departure that Another Comforter, Holy Spirit would come and that Holy Spirit would teach us all things, bring truth to our remembrance, guide us into applications of truth discovered.  We don’t devalue working in community with other believers and their insight, but we must not ignore our divine source of truth.  2 Timothy 2;15Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” As ministers of God, we have a great responsibility to communicate God’s truth by having insight into the types, tools, and techniques of personal study, accurately handling the word of truth”.

Fred Brothers

– Guts Church

Fruit of the Spirit

This course is a study of God’s revelation of righteousness to the Church. The message of righteousness runs throughout the Bible; from the creation of man to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Righteousness is one of the most important messages ever offered to the believer.

Scott Houston


Gifts of the Spirit

“There are varieties of spiritual gifts, but it is the same Spirit….To each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good (1 Cor. 12:4,7 AMP).  This course is the study of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, imparted through the grace of God for the edification of the body. In this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of each of the nine spiritual gifts (wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues) and discover your personal giftings and how their manifestation brings glory to God and empowers His people. 

Rachel Peters



Paul encourages the church in Thessalonica to “pray without ceasing”.  A life of effective, powerful communion with the Father both deepens your relationship with Him and enables you to better incline yourself to and obey His voice. In this course Jesus is our ultimate example of praying with power and authority. This course teaches you biblical instruction and types of prayer, how to pray effectual and fervent prayers, and the creative power of praying God’s promises.  In addition, this course will include practice and application

Tonya Morgan


Five Fold Ministry Gifts 

In this course you will study and identify the governing gifts of ministry leadership in both the global and local church as outlined in Ephesians 4. Those gifted in the office of five-fold ministry: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher- are specifically anointed to advance the Kingdom by equipping believers for the work of the ministry, build and edify believers in both knowledge and maturity, and create unity within the body of Christ. For the body of Christ to function properly, each member has a role to play and unique gifts given by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 12; 1 Cor. 12). In this course you will learn how the five-fold ministry is to equip the saints so they can function in their gifts.

Pastor Bill Sheer

Senior Pastor – Guts Church